Monday, February 14, 2011

9/30/2006 & 10/1/2006!

     How was your weekend? Mine sucked basically.
     Friday= Went with Aidan and Remy to Cassie's candlelight memorial! We left at 10:30. Then we came to my mom's and chilled. We were babysitting Aidan who had a fever. My mom and Albert didn't go home until 12:30 p.m.
     At 12:30, Remy and I layed down to go to sleep. That didn't happen. Aidan got better and Katy and four of her friends came over. They were so loud! They wouldn't be quiet so Remy and I didn't fall asleep until 2:00 a.m.!
     Saturday= I had to wake up at 7:00 a.m.! I had to be at work at 8:45 a.m. So yeah I didn't get off work until 5:00. Work sucked. My manager Fern is so mean! She is like 40 something, she dropped out of high school and got married and had three kids. Her husband abused her and so she left him and went psycho! Her kids all under age 18 live with Fern's mom because she's too crazy to take care of them. Fern lives with her boyfriend. She has a 16-year-old daughter who is pregnant. Wow and she has no value on education. Well Olivia and I earlier that week were telling our coworker Patricia that we didn't appreciate it when MCAs (MCAs are one level above us) asked us to do things in a rude way. Patricia told Fern so she would tell the MCAs to be nicer. Fern didn't tell the MCAs, she told this office manager named Daizee. Well one MCA named Ariel went and told all of the other MCAs. The MCA Olivia and I have the biggest problem with is a lady named Nicole. Nicole is really sweet, but instead of asking us to do things, she tells us. So Ariel asked Olivia and I if we had a problem with Nicole and we said, "No!" and she said that Fern told her we did.
     Well Olivia and I explained to Ariel that we like all our coworkers but just wished they would be more nice. Well after Ariel walked away, Nicole came up and asked us the same question and we straightened it all out. So Fern comes up to me and is like, " I heard that you and Olivia are having issues with my MCAs. Well if you have a problem with anyone you come tell me. I will fix it. I know the MCAs can sometimes be a bit rude, but they are hard workers and you need to help them. I don't want anymore of this drama in my store. It reminds me of my 7th grade daughter and her middle school friends drama and you two are more mature than that. I had to go to the hospital; with a migraine. It caused me a lot of pain and I don't want anymore so if you have a problem, come see me." Then she walked off.
     That's a bunch of BS! Olivia and I straightened out the problem on our own and for Fern to say that it was Olivia and I's fault is ridiculous. I'm so fed up with that place. I want a different job because work shouldn't be so stressful. The people at my work are psycho except Olivia, me, and Alvie! I don't know what to do because I like some of my coworkers and my job can be fun, but Fern is so mean and I hate the corporate thing. I just want to get straight A's. My work has no value on education and believe they are our future.
     Did you know "48 Hours" and "Dateline" want to do a story about Cassie? That's so crazy that her murder is becoming so publicized. I can't believe those two boys. That's sad and messed up. And for them to film it! That's not cool! Cassie was such a sweet girl.
     OM! I am so excited for Friday the 13th! It will rock. I hope it comes soon because I need something get my mind off of work and everything.
     Now the answers to your notes...
     I have no clue how Jessica plans on graduating.
     Aidan's baptism will be fun. I'm excited for him. It's going to be at my parent's church by my grandmas. My grandpa is doing it, yes. My mom and dad aren't planning it, my grandma is. My parents don't really care about it. It's sad but true.
     Okay you marry Jesse and I'll marry Teddy. That would be amazing. I would love it. I love Teddy. If I met Teddy I would be happy for the rest of my life, I bet that's how you feel about Jesse.
     I didn't do my talk. Stupid of me, I know, but I didn't have one and I was first. Bro F. didn't tel me I had to do it until the last second, and I had to work right after school and I didn't get home until 10 and I was so tired and had to take a shower and study for a history test. I feel bad about it but I couldn't just show up and say, "Yeah my work sucks and I have no time so I don't have a talk."
     How was your weekend?
     Probably better than mine.
     Well wow, this book is almost full.
W/b! <3 En.

P.S. OMW! So I had to stay at my pa's house tonight (Saturday). I walked upstairs and my siblings were watching some home videos... which just so happened to be the one called "Somerset Acting Co." It had all the Somerset kids in it and you, Elizabeth, and Maya Otto! I was Rapunzel and Alex was the prince! You were a dancing princess. It's crazy. You'll have to watch it.

From Aidan:
     Dear Allison, I would like you to come to my baptism on my birthday. I am excited for it. I would like you and Ennelee to sing, "I Hope They Call Me On A Mission". I believe in Joseph Smith and the Holy Ghost and especially Jesus. I also love church and please come to my birthday. I hope you will come and I hope I will see you and Ennelee will make my hair like Jessey McCartney. I want you and Ennelee to sit by me when I get dunked under the water and when I just sit down. I love you and Ennelee and Elena and my parents and Jesus and my family. Please come. Thank you :) I believe in heaven and spirits like my hampster Garry and my cat Binx.

October 1, 2006
     14 (13) Days until I turn 17! NOOO.
     14 (13) Days until Aidan turns 10!
     I can't believe it's October.
     So I was watching all these home videos from when I was in 5th and 6th grade, and a lot of them were at Bonneville. I wanted to cry! It was so sad! We are all so little and we don't have a care in the world and we are laughing and playing. It's sad.
     Oh one more thing... when I called you the second time, I heard Adam in the background and he said either:
     "Oh gosh is that Ennelee again?"
     "What does Ennelee want again?"
     I think that's really mean of him and the way he acts when he's around me or when my name is mentioned is really messed up. Why does he hate me so much? I'd like to know. I deserve to know why because I'm tired of it. I just want to get along with everyone and I want everyone to get along with me. You know?
     Did you watch conference? It was good. Thanks for the surprise birthday thing. That is so nice of you. I am way excited. I don't think I'm going to have a b-day party because it's too stressful and I don't think very many people can come.
Well w/b. Take care
<3 Ennelee Grace

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