Ennelee's writing is in bold. Allison's is normal font.
U see, you and I just write about what we think love is.
But if we don't really know what it is like, how can we capture it?
Because we capture what we want it to be. If we knew what it was, we wouldn't be such good writers.
Well, to some's opinion. But have you ever read a love story by someone who has never been in love? It's horrid!
Yes. Yours and mine. They are pretty good for never being in love!
Yeah... but I would like you to read Jane Austin! SICK! I'm not sure I can do it without.
Yeah. I dunno... such a complicated thing.
People are complicated things!
No. Yes. Yes! RRR to people!
If only if only the woodpecker sighs, the bark on the tree was as soft as they skies.
What does that have to do with complicated people?
Things could be so much easier!
If people were easier.
If we were less complicated. "Ignorance is bliss."
We aren't complicated! People are!
I know I am complicated!
No other people are! Boys are!
I am complicated. I know I don't seem it, but I am. People in general are. Not just boys! Girls are too.
I'm not or at least I try not to be.
I know very well that I am!
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