Thursday, February 17, 2011


     Woah! Today is November 1! It's November! That's crazy.
     How was your Halloween? Mine was lame. Olivia and I passed out candy to little kids in the mall. There were a lot! Olivia was a fairy. I was Lucy. Poor Elena stayed home and did nothing. At least she didn't have to work. It was my last year as a kid, and I didn't get to go trick or treating but as we passed out candy to all the cute little kids, I could imagine us taking our kids to do it, and I know it would be just as fun as going when we were kids.
     About Jessica, I talked to her last night on MSN, and I'm upset with her. She's making me mad.
     She was like, "Lets hang out Saturday."
     Here, I'm going to write it like MSN form. Jessica is Wiggens and I am Ennelee (Amazing Girl Wonder)
Wiggons: Let's hang out Saturday.
Ennelee (Amazing Girl Wonder): I think I'm busy. I'm hanging out with Allison.
W: That sucks. I wish you would've told me that before I asked for Friday off.
E: I'm sorry. I didn't make you take it off, and I'm sorry it's such a big hastle for you to hang out with friends.
W: It's not.
E: Okay then admit you would rather hang out with us than Xavier.
W: No.
      I'd rather hang out with both.
E: Like I said before, all you care about is Xavier.
W: No both.
E: Hmmm.
W: Well Xavier cares about me and treats me well. I spend a lot of time with him because I want to get to know him better.
E: Did you really sleepover at his house?
W: No we were kidding around.
E: You lied?
W: No, I was joking.
E: Well you got our group in trouble because the aisles had food on them and you wandered out of the kitchen to talk to Remy.
W: Whatever. I did the dishes good and Cole and Allison washed the dishes, so if there was food they should've let me know. And I wandered because Allison and Cole are so boring. All they talk about is church and football.
E: Hmmm... well we need to all help and clean the dishes.
W: I'm not doing them anymore.
E: well I have homework. G2G. Bye.
W: Love ya, bye!
     How mean of her!
     Oh wow I was just reading D&C 38 for silent reading and lately I've been worried about the future and family and it talked about if you stay faithful and repent you are forgiven and there is much to come in the future for eternity and wow. It was neat. Like when you opened your scriptures the other day.
     I know! I was the same way! All I wanted to do was become famous and marry a movie star. I wanted my mom to move to California and get me an agent and I wanted to become the next Hilary Duff or Lizzie McGuire. But not I know that I don't want that. I want to find the right righteous RM boy who is loving and faithful and we can have a family and strive to get to the Celestial Kingdom and raise our kids in a loving religious home, living next door to you and raising our kids together and wow. It will be amazing.
     That would be cool if we named our first daughters Allison: Allison Jesse for yours and Allison Elizabeth for me.
     I love it. I'm excited for the future.
     Okay so if I tell you what I'm about to tell you then you HAVE to promise not to tell anyone! Okay are you ready??? Well here it comes... Take a deep breath... Ready? Haha. Cole likes you!!! He told me today. I had to tell you. He's sad he can't go to the dance with you.
     Haha Cole and I were joking around today about how we are going to be bodyguards when we grow up! Because bodyguards get paid starting $75.00 an hour! Sometimes more and that's just starting! This body guard from Idaho made $1,750 for 15 minutes of guarding this celeb. And he only faced violence (deadly situations) twice in his career. He retired when he was 40. He was getting paid between $375-$500 an hour when he retired. Dang!!!!!! And he got to guard concerts, celebs, sports, woah! So the deal is Cole and I are a team, and I pay him to also bodyguard me if things get messy! Haha. So I won't get hurt.
     Okay so we're totally kidding about being bodyguards but it's a nice career if you're willing to put your lives on the lines.
     I'm impressed with your story writing. I'm trying but it's hard with work and all. Also I'm way behind from missing so much school for science camp and FCCLA. It's flu-sterating but still I will manage.
     Alex and Isabelle is almost done and it's amazing. I can't believe it because wow. It's good. I can't wait to give you a copy when I'm done. When I have time I will also give you a copy of It Is Heard aka The Pretty Ugly Girl when I have time because it's finished.
     I like how Lars ran up to me all excited asking if I read his note! That is a sad excuse for a note haha but it's funny because "Holland" is my nickname. In 7th grade I had way blonde hair and we had TLC class with Mrs. Messmore and he and his friend Brenden said I looked like I was from Holland so they all started calling me "Holland" or "Holland's Pet". There's that story for you.
     Well take care! W/b.
<3 Ennelee Grace

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